2.1.5 – Third Day  

It was dawn when the trees parted, when our advance scouts Utac and Aj returned with news that the Highroad was just beyond the next ridge. Though we were weary, though we were worn, still we quickened our pace by unspoken accord, and the simple presence of the Highroad was enough to move me nearly […]

2.1.4 – Borrowed Hope

The second night, Eris walked with the children near the head of our train, keeping watch over them all with the assistance of a couple from Blackforge, Ashe and Dieter. Father Zachary and Sister Hope had kept to themselves that day, and much of the air of revelry had subsided. Our pace had slowed, which […]

2.1.3 – Broken Day  

Dawn brought grey clouds, and a light, ethereal shower of snowflakes. They sifted slowly from on high, speckled the hollows and upper boughs of the trees, and sparked in all of us a silent, wary dread.   For now, the snow held off. That was a blessing. We had enough struggles.   The strength of the children […]

2.1.2 – Spoken Word

No torches were lit on the first night. The enemy might still have been too close.   We were weary. A night’s rest and a hot meal to break our fast had done wonders, but in the end our strength had been redoubled only to be sapped once again.   The druids kept apart still. Sedec and […]

2.1.1 – Cold Noon

Eris sang. She sang not high but low, daringly near the bottom of her range, and her voice built with each word, until the sound dripped from bare branches around us. Stilted conversations of the people behind began to falter as she wove her song, and I felt an old, familiar thrill run down my […]

2.1.0 – To Begin

Despite the cold, and the hunger, and the pangs of despair, we were quickly made ready to go. Eris and I returned with time enough not only to rejoin the group, but to assist in the final preparations for departure. Now, in the light of day, I had the chance to take stock of our […]