3.3.3 – Vadelok

A tenuous order reigned in the Healing-Hall. My wish for Dermot’s presence had been presumptive; we found him just inside the Viisp-akad storehouse with a loose tunic around his shoulders and a stormy expression on his face.   Astrid Fuller joined us at a run, having completed a circuit through the Beast-Hall. She nodded to Dermot […]

3.3.2 – Suppression  

Grannine did not release me until we summited the stairs. My heart fluttered in my throat, and I wavered on the uppermost step, feeling as though I might fall.   “Mariead,” Grannine said, at my side. I flinched to the left, and She pursued, placing a hand around my shoulders. “Easy, now. Breathe.”   “I should have […]

2.7.1 – Elysium

Eris smiled. There were tears in her eyes.   “No apology,” she said. She kissed my hand. “Never that.”  We turned to face the Church together.   Sir Duncan and his men were true believers. Their faith was carried in their eyes, in the set of their jaws. They knew for a certainty that Elysium was theirs. […]